Connection Programs

Connection Programs

Group Officers can create Connection Programs to allow Users to search for and connect with the appropriate person or resource. This feature can be used for mentoring programs, advising meetings, leadership programs, and so much more!


After selecting the Connection Program, the user has the option to book time with a specific user within that resource.


Creating Connection Programs

  1. Manage your group

  2. Click on the Member Success dropdown and select Connection Programs

  3. Click on Create Program

  4. Select an Owner and provide a Program Name and Description

  5. Customize the default names of the "Host", the "Participant", and the "Meeting"

  6. Customize the default Meeting Information - each host will have these default settings but has the flexibility to customize these settings individually

  7. Edit the Host / Participant information

  8. Click Save

Connection Programs are highly customizable and Officers will have several options to select from when creating the program.

Adding Hosts to Your Connection Program

  1. Add Hosts to the Connection Program by selecting the Add Host button

  2. Find the User you would like to become a Host and add a short description

  3. If you have created tags for Hosts, you can tag your new Host with these

  4. Click on Submit when you are done

  5. You can manage the availability of a Host by selecting Add Availability.

Participants can now book meetings with Hosts

Activating the Drop-In feature for Connection Programs

The Drop-In feature allows Participants without a scheduled meeting to request one at the door. Once a Participant has Dropped-In, it will be possible for Hosts to Book them. This means that a Host acknowledges the arrival of the Participant and will start the meeting with that person shortly.

  1. Manage the program for which you want to activate the Drop-In feature

  2. Click on the More icon and select Edit

  3. Scroll down to the More Options section and set the Activate Drop-Ins option to Yes

  1. Click on Save

  2. The Drop-Ins button will allow Officers and Hosts to view all of the Drop-Ins

You will now be able to use the Check-In Kiosk button. This links directly to the kiosk from which Participants will be able to Drop-In.

Note: This is the same kiosk for all of the group's Connection Programs. Participants will be able to choose which Program they want to Drop-In to from the kiosk.

Adding Customs Questions

When using Connection Programs, it is possible to create Custom Questions that Participants will have to answer when booking a meeting with a Host.

  1. Manage a connection program by clicking on its name.

  2. Select the Host for whom you want to add Custom Questions

  3. Click on the More icon and select Custom Questions

  4. A pop-up window will open with the current list of Custom Questions and click Add Question

  5. Give the question a title

  6. Carefully choose the Question Type, as it is not possible to change it later

  7. Click on Submit

  8. You will be directed back to the Custom Questions list where you can:

    • Duplicate or Delete the question by clicking the appropriate link

    • Change the order of the questions with the Drag & Drop button

    • Add this Custom Question to all Hosts by selecting Apply to all Hosts

    • Make the question mandatory by clicking the Required checkbox

    • If you chose either a Checkbox Question Type or a Dropdown Question Type, you will be able to provide possible answers by clicking Add Answer

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.

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