Saving Events as Draft, Editing, and Approvals

Saving Events as Draft, Editing, and Approvals

When hosting an event, it is common for multiple people to be involved in the planning process. This article will share info on how to understand where an event is in the creation process and who is able to edit that event at any stage in its creation.

Save an Event as a Draft

  1. Manage your group

  2. Navigate to Events

  3. Select Create Event and enter in the details you have

  4. Select Save as Draft and confirm on the pop-up screen

    Event Creation Screen with Save as Draft button highlighted
  5. The event will now appear on the Drafts page with the of a Draft Event and the approval form status of Awaiting Form Creation

    View of Drafts page

When in Draft Event status, any officer with Event permissions can edit the event. Once the Approval Form has been started, it can only be edited by the officer that started that form.

Editing a Draft Event

  1. Navigate to Events

  2. Select Draft and find the event to edit

  3. Select Edit

    1. Events in Draft that do not have a secondary form attached/are part of an approval process, or where the approval form has not been started can be edited by any officer of that group.

    2. Events where the status is Approval From in Draft can only be edited by the officer that began the form, as identified in the Approval Form message box.

      Draft Event 3.png


Editing an Upcoming Event

  1. Navigate to Events

  2. Select Upcoming and find the event to edit

  3. Select Edit

    1. Events that have been previously submitted and are approved or in an approval stage can only be edited by:

      1. The officer that submitted the Approval Form, as identified in the Approval Form message box

      2. An admin that is also an officer of the group hosting the approval form

  4. Make the appropriate edits to the event

  5. Select Save and Proceed to Approval Form

  6. Make any changes as appropriate to the Approval Form and Submit

  7. Based on what elements were changed, the form approval process may reset, requiring re-approval. The event will be removed from the calendar until it is re-approved. Changes to the following fields will reset the approval process:

    1. Event Name

    2. Event Date and/or Time

    3. Location

    4. Description

    5. Other fields or setting the process to require all changes trigger re-approval may be determined by a platform administrator

Resetting the Approval Process removes the event from the calendar until it is reapproved. Admins that are officers of the group hosting the approval form can make any change to an approved event without resetting the Approval Process.

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.

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