Event Types and Tags

Each event within the system has fields that are used to classify and categorize the event. Admins have the option to customize the following fields to allow for filtering of events:

  • Event Types: Each event can only be assigned one Event Type and it is a required field. These types are used to classify events and are used for filtering purposes for both students and administrators.

  • Event Tags: Similar to Event Types, Event Tags are used for categorization and searching purposes for both students and Administrators. However, an event can hold multiple tags. Additionally, each tag can be set to be accessible to Admins only or not.

Editing Event Types

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Custom Values (Lookup) > Select Event Type in the dropdown

  2. Click Create Group Type Value or Edit an existing value

  3. Label the Event Type in the Value field

  4. Click Save

Editing Event Tags

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Tags > Navigate to Event Tags

  2. Click Create Event Tag or Edit an existing tag

  3. Edit the following fields:

    • Name: The label for the Event Tag

    • Color: The color of the event Tag - often used to categorize tags

    • Privacy: Who is able to view the tag if it is not set to Admin Only

    • Admin Only: Whether or not the tags visibility is limited to Admins Only or not

  4. Click Save

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.