Account Types and User Tags

Account Types and User Tags

Each user can be customized with Account Types and User Tags in order to better classify and categorize users in the platform. These are used for filtering purposes, access rights and data management. By strategically assigning Account Types and User Tags, our platform empowers administrators to enhance user organization and optimize overall system functionality, especially when used in conjunction with an SFTP or API.

  • Account Types: Each user can only be assigned one Account Type. These are used to determine the user experience and how that user type will behave within the platform (e.g., Student, Staff, Faculty, Alumni, etc.).

  • User Tags: Each user can be assigned multiple User Tags. These tags allow you to create categories to assign to users for reporting, emailing, and filtering purposes (e.g., class year, academic program, housing assignments, demographic information, etc.). Each tag can be set to be accessible to either Admins only or not. Users are not able to select their User Tags and are assigned via SFTP or API from the university Student Information System.

Editing Account Types

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Custom Values (Lookup) > Select Account Type in the dropdown

  2. Click Create Account Type Value or Edit an existing value

  3. Edit the following fields:

    • Value: The label for the Account Type

    • Type: The level of access the those users receive

      • Student and Staff/Faculty are considered full users while Alumni, Friends, Recruiters and Other/guest permission can be customized within User Permissions

  4. Click Save

Editing User Tags

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Tags

  2. Click Create User Tag or Edit an existing Tag

  3. Edit the following fields:

    • Name: The label for the User Tag

    • Color: The color of the User Tag - often used to categorize tags (e.g. Major Tags, Class Year Tags, etc.)

    • Privacy: Who is able to view the tag if it is not set to Admin Only

    • Admin Only: Whether or not the tags visibility is limited to Admins Only or not

  4. Click Save

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.

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